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Una modelo se manifestó y decidió protestar en contra del criterio estético que eligió Alessandro Michele para el show de los diseños primavera verano de Gucci en la Semana de la Moda de Milán.

Ayesha Tan Jones en medio del desfile elevó su mano y mostró lo que llevaba escrito en la palma: “La salud mental no es moda”.

La proclama se debió a que la presentación mostraba modelos con prendas blancas como chalecos de fuerza y camisas con correas subidos a una cinta transportadora.

“Las camisas de fuerza fueron presentadas en el desfile de Gucci  como la versión más extrema de un uniforme dictado por la sociedad y quienes lo controlan. Las prendas fueron una declaración para el desfile y no se venderán”, explicó la firma.

Por su parte, Ayesha Tan Jones dijo: “Como artista y modelo, experimenté  mi propia lucha con la salud mental. Es doloroso e insensible para una firma como Gucci usar esta imaginería como concepto para un momento fugaz de moda”, se manifestó la modelo en redes sociales.

Tras la amplia difusión que recibió su acto de desobediencia civil, la modelo activista publicó un agradecimiento en su Instagram: “Solo quiero agradecerles por todo el apoyo que me brindaron desde que levanté mis manos en protesta pacífica en el desfile de Gucci. Me siento bendecida de estar rodeada de apoyo. Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para recordarle a la gente que este tipo de valentía es solo un simple gesto en comparación con la valentía que las personas con problemas de salud mental muestran diariamente”.

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Hello ✨ I just want to say Thank You for all the support so many of you have given me since I lifted my hands in peaceful protest on the Gucci Runway show yesterday 💖 I feel very blessed to be surrounded by supportive comrades, and to know that there are so many people sharing support online for this action ✊🏽 I want to use this opportunity to remind people that this sort of bravery, is only a simple gesture compared to the bravery that people with mental health issues show everyday. To have the bravery to get out of bed, to greet the day, and to live their lives is an act of strength, and I want to thank you for being here and being YOU ! ☀️ The support people have shown to my act is more than I could imagine, so I only trust that we will share this same support to our friends, siblings, loved ones, acquaintances, internet friends or even strangers, who might be going through tough times with their Mental Health. Showing up for them may come in many forms, check in via text or DM, listen to them with patience and without judgement, offer a helping hand with household tasks like food shop, cooking or cleaning, regularly remind them how amazing and strong they are, but also that is okay feel the feels too, Lets show up for people with mental health and help end the stigma together !🌻 Many of the other Gucci models who were in the show felt just as strongly as I did about this depiction of straightjackets, and without their support I would not have had the courage to walk out and peacefully protest. Some have chosen to donate a portion their fee, and I 100% of mine, to mental health charities, who are doing amazing work for people today! Below are tags to some amazing charities that I encourage, if you have the resources and capacity to, please donate in any way you can, and in my linktree ( in bio ) is a google doc to websites for more charities ! <3 Also, please comment any other Mental Health organisations globally you would like to support and share, as my resources are UK/US based currently 💫 blessings, love & rage – Ayesha / YaYa 🌈 ✨ ✨ ✨ @mindcharity @mermaidsgender @qtpocmentalhealth @stonewalluk @switchboardlgbt @lgbtswitchboard @papyrus_uk

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