“Pueblo de Venezuela, su destino está ahora en sus manos. Ha llegado el momento de recuperar su patria y su libertad”, tuiteó el senador Marco Rubio, luego del llamado del presidente encargado, Juan Guaidó, a salir a la calle y cesar la usurpación.
Rubio pidió al ministro de la Defensa, Vladimir Padrino López, ponerse del lado de la Constitución de la República de Venezuela.
After years of suffering freedom is waiting for people of #Venezuela. Do not let them take this opportunity from you.
Now is the moment to take to the streets in support of your legitimate constitutional government.
Do not allow this moment to slip away. It may not come again
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) 30 de abril de 2019
.@VPadrinoLopez & @MaikelMorenoTSJ will the #TSJ & leadership of #FANB be with #Venezuela today or with the Cubans? Today may be your final chance to make the right choice.
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) 30 de abril de 2019
Today their can be no bystanders in #Venezuela#FANB,police,judicial & political leaders you must either support restoring constitutional democracy or you are a supporter of Cuba’s efforts to colonize Venezuela
The choice you make will define the rest of your life
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) 30 de abril de 2019
Pueblo de #Venezuela su destino ahora esta en sus manos. Ha llegado el momento de recuperar su patria y su libertad. https://t.co/Eh8BChildC
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) 30 de abril de 2019
.@VPadrinoLopez the call for armed colectivo gangs to take over the streets of #Caracas #Venezuela is a direct challenge to you & the #FANB
Will you fulfill your constitutional duty to protect your own people from these criminal elements?
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) 30 de abril de 2019
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